Purple Squad Security
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
October 15, 2017

Episode 007 – Securing Linux in Hostile Networks

I speak with author Kyle Rankin about his latest book, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks: Server Security from TLS to Tor.

Linux is often the operating system of choice for server deployments due to its stability and security posturing, right out of the box.  Unfortunately not everything is "production ready" right after an install.  Throughout the internet, there are a lot of Linux hardening and security guides on the internet but most are outdated and provide instructions that are no longer applicable. Kyle Rankin joins me this week to discuss his latest book, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks: Server Security from TLS to Tor.  This really is a great book and one I would recommend any InfoSec professional pick up to read.  It will make a great reference guide and provides an up-to-date hardening guide for most popular Linux distributions. Some links of interest:

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Thanks for listening, and I will talk with you again next time!

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