Episode 55 – Talking Privacy with Matt Beland
Matt Beland stops by to talk about privacy and what that means for a security professional.

CORRECTION: Early in this episode I mentioned that Amazon would ask for your email password when signing up for a new account. I meant to say Facebook, not Amazon. The practice has since been discontinued, but I wanted to make it clear that this was a Facebook practice, not Amazon. Amazon has not, to the best of my knowledge, ever done something like this. Sorry for the mixup.
For most security professionals, we view the CIA triad as our grail. No, not the US government agency that works around the world doing a lot of questionable things, but rather the more tame version of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. For today's episode, Matt Beland joins me to explain privacy and how it's not all about Confidentiality as I, and I'm sure a few of you, may have thought.
Some links of interest:
- Smooth Sailing Solutions: smoothsailingsolutions.com
- Matt's Twitter: @Beland_Matt
- International Association of Privacy Professionals: https://iapp.org
- CIPP / CIPM / CIPT Certifications: https://iapp.org/certify/programs/
- Ethical Data and Information Management: Concepts, Tools and Methods: https://www.amazon.com/Ethical-Data-Information-Management-Concepts/dp/0749482044
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Thanks for listening, and as always, I will talk with you all again next time.
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