Purple Squad Security
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
February 25, 2018

Episode 21 – The Myth of the Purple Teamer with Haydn Johnson

I speak with Haydn Johnson about the myth of the purple teamer, that is, an individual who does both red and blue team activities as part of their day job.

I love purple teams.  Purple teaming is something that I was hoping to share with more people and more organizations!  It's part of the reason I named this podcast after them.  So why don't I think that a purple teamer exists?  It's an interesting stance, but it's one that makes sense.  Joining me this week is Haydn "Doctor Purple" Johnson to discuss all things purple. Some links of interest:

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Thanks for listening, and I will talk with you all again next time.

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