July 29, 2018
Episode 36 – The Joy of CTFs with Derek Rook
Derek Root (@_r00k_) joins me to talk about CTFs and how they can be great learning tools for Infosec professionals
Capture The Flag games, or CTFs, are a popular way for infosec pros to brush up on the offensive skills. From VulnHub to HackTheBox, there are a few different ways to quote "get your hack on"! Derek Rook (@_r00k_) joins me today to talk about CTFs and how they can assist in your Infosec journey, regardless of your role. Some links of interest:
- Derek's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMACXuWd2w6_IEGog744UaA
- Derek's Twitch Stream - https://www.twitch.tv/r00k_infosec
- ippsec's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6eh7gCkpPo5XXUDfygQQA
- LiveOverflow YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClcE-kVhqyiHCcjYwcpfj9w
- Mub1x's Twitch Stream - https://www.twitch.tv/mub1x
- CCDC (US) - http://www.nationalccdc.org/
- CCDC (Canada) - https://www.cyberdefencechallenge.ca/
- SANS Holiday Hack Challenge - https://holidayhackchallenge.com/past-challenges/
- Open2All CTF team - https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenToAllCTFteam/
- CTF Time - https://ctftime.org/
- Derek's Twitter - https://twitter.com/_r00k_
Want to reach out to the show? There's a few ways to get in touch!
- Purple Squad Security's Twitter: @PurpleSquadSec
- John's Twitter: @JohnsNotHere
- Podcast Website: purplesquadsec.com
- Sign-Up for our Slack community: https://signup.purplesquadsec.com
Thanks for listening, and as always, I will talk with you all again next time.
Find out more at http://purplesquadsec.com