September 22, 2019
Episode 61 – Anniversaries and Updates
John talks about the 2 year anniversary of the show as well as other behind-the-scenes details.

Ah, I love anniversaries. This is an anniversary episode celebrating 2 years of Purple Squad Security! Just a few personal rants and discussions for those interested in a bit of a behind the scenes view of things here at the show. No guests, just me blathering on about stuff. Enjoy!
Some links of interest:
- Cyber City
- Podcast Store:
Want to reach out to the show? There's a few ways to get in touch!
- Purple Squad Security's Twitter: @PurpleSquadSec
- John's Twitter: @JohnsNotHere
- John's Mastodon:
- Podcast Website:
- Sign-Up for our Slack community:
Thanks for listening, and as always, I will talk with you all again next time.
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