Episode 50 – Tabletop D&D with Tim De Block, Ed Rojas, Daniel Ebbutt, and Kyle Andrus
Another tabletop D&D episode! Pure mayhem with this one, which is fitting for a bicentennial episode!
It's that time again! Yes, another Tabletop D&D episode is upon us! This time I asked Timothy de Block from the Exploring Information Security podcast to join me, along with a few interesting characters. Let's just say this particular episode is not for the faint of heart, and we have a few swears thrown in to keep with the atmosphere. Enjoy! Some links of interest:
- Exploring Information Security Podcast: https://www.timothydeblock.com/eis/
- Tactical Edge: https://tacticaledge.co/index_en.html
- Tactical Edge Twitter: @Tactical3dge
- Kyle's Twitter: @chaoticflaws
- Ed's Twitter: @edgarr0jas
- Daniel's Twitter: @notdanielebbutt
- Tim's Twitter: @timothydeblock
- Tabletop Scenarios Twitter: @badthingsdaily
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- Purple Squad Security's Twitter: @PurpleSquadSec
- John's Twitter: @JohnsNotHere
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Thanks for listening, and as always, I will talk with you all again next time.
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