Purple Squad Security
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
March 18, 2018

Episode 24 – Fireside Chat with Joe Gray

In this casual fireside-style chat I speak with Joe Gray about TTHG, Conferences and Discount Codes!

In the first of a new format, I sit down with Joe Gray with only a handful of questions and just chat.  We cover things from Through The Hacking Glass, upcoming talks that Joe will be doing, to the various conferences that Joe will be attending.  Lots of great information and stories were shared, and if you'd like to provide feedback, please reach out and let me know!  Also, make sure you listen for a special easter egg that Joe has for those who are in the Atlanta area in September for entry to a conference at no cost! Some links of interest:

Want to reach out to the show?  There's a few ways to get in touch!

Thanks for listening, and I will talk with you all again next time.

Find out more at http://purplesquadsec.com